SEACAP 4SDG the project

Territories surrounding the “Mediterranean sea” face several major challenges, such as the fight against climate change and the green energy transition especially in the building sector. Besides, the region is characterized by a lack of infrastructure, a poorly-educated workforce and high unemployment rate. This justifies the need for a Sector-based cooperation and integration which can provide an opportunity to strengthen the economic governance of the entire region. Therefore, a bottom-up approach of local cooperation initiatives and projects should be applied to promote innovative solutions and the implementation of pilot actions that will serve as show cases for decision makers as well as the general public and which would address climate change mitigation and adaptation, while insuring sustainable economic growth.
It is against this background that the SEACAP 4SDG project was proposed to contribute to fighting climate change by reducing energy consumption in public buildings across the Mediterranean, and by promoting the development of SE(A)CAP through an innovative financial mechanism and a capitalization process.
The project capitalizes on the outputs and outcomes of a number of Selected Reference Projects (SRP) financed within different Euro-Mediterranean initiatives, among which the platform of Med-EcoSuRe project, while identifying characteristics to be generalized, and by adapting gained knowledge to maximize efficiency and effectiveness of building energy refurbishment strategies adapted to local Med specificities, notably energy poverty.
In this framework, nine cities/municipalities and four public buildings within them will receive the necessary support and accompaniment to plan and implement efficiently energy renovation actions using the solutions capitalized on by the Project.
The capacity building and training mechanism will be implemented by adopting a collaborative approach between the key players involved, within a “Living Laboratory”. This approach will support the municipalities in adopting the results of the project.
The SEACAP 4SDG Living Lab (SLL) is an international network of people with knowledge and know-how on eco-sustainable solutions related to the renovations of public buildings in the Mediterranean region.
The SLL will introduce innovative tools, with the creation of novel user-oriented solutions, and financial mechanisms, identified during the analysis of a set of selected reference projects (SRPs).
The Project’s expanded Partnership includes national, regional and local public authorities as follows
The detailed list of associated partners includes the following entities: