Egypt Pilot
The municipality (Water supply company of Alexandria) has a secondary technical school located at the
west of Alexandria (Amria district). This school is selected as a case study for applying energy mix program. The school has 132 student and itsconsists of 4 floors with an area about 4300m2. It has a water analysis lab beside workshops, library and computer labs. The school has a plan to retrofit, so some of the project results will be addressed for implementation.
To implement the toolkits different actions have been taken among
minucipality, benificinery and external entity to discuss the situation and
confirm the methodology and communication plan as follow:
1 – Meetings : To assist the Municipality of Alexandria
water company to select the most
appropriate tools and methodologies proposed by the SEACAP 4SDG project based
on needs of the municipality and financial situation. Themeetings have been done physical/visual with
identified members of the LivingLab and the suitable building to be used.
2- Site Visit: a group represent
expert from external entity and 3 members from municipality have been visited
the school to make site survey, energy situation energy consumption and current initiatives.
Data analysis :the beneficiary school energy and water
consumption will be collated within the last year 201-2022 by the
municipality’s representatives to evaluate and plan the planned energy
management measures. This is done based on the analysis of the energy
consumption of the selected school using the selected tools and methodologies.
3- Roadmap : a roodmap for a rehabilitation of the
school building is developed by the members of the LivingLab that describe :
– the priority energy management measures to be implemented, while
using the selected tools/methodologies;
– an implementation schedule and an estimate of the expected energy
savings as well as the potential for replication and scaling of these measures.
– a plan for the involvement of key stakeholders in the implementation
of the energy management measures.
4- Implementation of some
actions : according to the
identified constraints, conduct a feasibility study of some proposed measures
from a legal, financial and economic point of view, identifying possible
sources of financing and the risks associated with the planned investment.
Example of actions that are already identified and planned by the
expert team according to the above
methodology :
Construct the Living Lab members (2
from Municipality, 2 from beneficiary and 3 from external expert)
1 Site visit and local awareness and
training about the SEACAP outputs and toolkits that can be implemented.
The 2 outcomes to be used
are the following:
EDUFOOTPRINT to shows the environmental effect before
and after implementation of energy mix plan
IMPULSE PLUS KPIs-processor’s PLUG-IN for
automated hierarchy of public buildings to be renovated annually after having
selected the pilot buildings.
1- Report 1 of the description of the current situation and possible solution that can be implemented
2- Report 2 an action plan to implement the proposed solution with feasibility study.
3- Plan for retrofitting the building and the suggestion to generalize the solution for other building of
the municipality.